Page 51 - Trends-by-DELABIE_n02
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                             A WALL-MOUNTED, NON-CONTACT URINAL WITH  Stainless steel, satin finish.
                               CONCEALED FLUID DETECTOR: IT’S SCARCELY   A unique detection system.
                               BELIEVABLE. AND WHAT’S MORE IT’S STYLISH.    Bacteriostatic material.
                                                                        An innovative, intelligent hybrid rinsing system that
                                      NO, IT’S NOT MAGIC, SIMPLY DELABIE.   saves an incredible amount of water.
                                                                        Here is the ecological alternative to water-free
                                                                        urinals: one small step for DELABIE,
                                                                        one giant leap for the planet!


           DELABIE presents:
           HYBRIMATIC FINO stainless steel hybrid urinal (Ref. 130000)
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